
Showing posts from December, 2021

504 plans: All that You Need to Know about IEPs and 504 Plans

What are an IEP and 504 plans? Section 504 is a federal law that states that there will be no discrimination against someone with a disability by an organisation that receives federal funds. An IEP, on the other hand, is an Individualized Education Plan that gives special education and any other services required to students with any disability which prevents them from getting a proper education. The basic difference between an IEP and a 504 plan is that in an IEP, special education is provided to students with a disability, while in 504 plans, the services provided enable the students to get an education alongside their peers. Who is qualified for an IEP, and how do I get a 504 plan ? In an IEP, any child with a disability listed under the IDEA law that affects their educational performance and doesn't allow them to benefit under the general curriculum is eligible. In 504 plans, a child with any disability that affects their learning in a general classroom is eligible. Section 504...